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Our 2023 Carvers

Patrick Imai

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and stained glass, but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling tiny animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to capture emotion and movement in his carvings.
Patrick is a member of Arteast, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Danny Barber

Danny has been working as a stone carver for over 30 years. His first introduction was at the family memorial business in St. Catharines Ontario. He moved to England in 2002 to pursue a career in architectural stone carving and from there settled in Ottawa Ontario. In 2010 Danny organized the first Canadian Stone Carving Festival with help from the Winchester Downtown Revitalization Committee. With a vision of Building Craft Fellowship, Raising Public Awareness of the Craft and supporting Charity, Danny has continued to organize the event with much help and support from colleagues and friends for 13 years and counting. The CSCF has raised over $100,000.00 for charity thus far. Danny works for the federal Government on the Dominion Sculptor Team and runs a small stone carving studio in Ottawa offering custom stone carving commissions as well as stone carving courses and workshops.

Philippe Smith

John-Philippe Smith has worked as a stone carver on Parliament Hill since the restoration of the library in 2001. Along with his friend and colleague Danny Barber, their company Smith & Barber – Sculpture Atelier Inc. completed hundreds moulded and sculpted stones for the restoration of the West Block. He currently works full-time for the Federal Government as assistant sculptor to the Dominion Sculptor, Phil White.


Richard Désautels

Artisan tailleur de pierre spécialisé en patrimoineDEP en taille de pierre, 2021AEC en Métiers d’Art du patrimoine bâti, 2022

Walter Morselli

Artiste et designer, Walter Morselli a commencé sa carrière dans sa ville natale de Modène, Italie. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme et une maîtrise en design créatif à l’École italienne de design de Padoue, il a étudié les techniques de sculpture à l’Académie des beaux-arts de Florence, en Italie, et la sculpture sur marbre et pierre à l’Académie des beaux-arts de Bologne, en Italie. Son travail se concentre principalement sur l’art collaboratif, les initiatives éducatives et sa plus grande passion, la sculpture.

Nicholas Thompson

Nicholas Thompson trained as a stonecarver at City & Guilds Art School in London, England. After working in the restoration industry, he is currently an assistant to the Dominion Sculptor in Ottawa.


Simon Larochelle

Serge Pelletier

Jean Brillant

A écrit avec Réal Patrie, André Lapointe et Serge Occhietti les livres Pierres Sculptables du Québec

Thomas Tiraboschi

Bonjour, je m’appel Thomas, je suis tailleur de pierre, j’ai travaillé en restauration du patrimoine en France pendant 10ans, actuellement je suis en pvt au Québec et je me suis arrêtée à Montréal pour apprendre la sculpture aux ateliers de la pierre du Québec, ou j’y suis depuis 1 mois.

Christopher Alton

Originally from Edmonton but based in Montreal, I am a landscape planner and designer whose work often involves mine-site restoration projects, and I became increasingly interested in stone carving since starting to work in Sardinia several years ago. Finally after visiting the sculpture garden of Pinuccio Sciola last winter did I decide to finally start carving for myself.

George Moldovan

George Moldovan is an accomplished artist and sculptor with a keen proficiency in traditional and contemporary figurative work. “I enjoy working in classic sculptural mediums such as bronze, stone terracotta and wood, and have exhibited my work around the world.”

Vincent Bruneau

Apprentie maçon dans le domaine de la restoration , j’ai eu la chance d’être exposé à plusieurs types d’oeuvres en pierres sculptés et de taille. C’est ainsi que j’ai décidé de me lancer dans la sculpture de pierre.

Daphnée Cantin

Daphnée Cantin est originaire du comté de Portneuf d’une famille trifluvienne. En 2020, elle obtient un DEC en Arts visuels au CÉGEP de Trois-Rivières pour ensuite poursuivre en Métiers d’art option Sculpture au CÉGEP Limoilou où elle s’intéresse à la pierre. Lors de l’été 2022, elle suit un stage chez Atelier mock/up, un bureau d’architecture axé sur la conception et la réalisation de projets sur mesures grâce aux nouvelles technologies. Elle vit et travaille à Québec.

Gabriel Gendron Macias

Originaire du Bas-St-Laurent, ma mère m’a rapidement initié aux arts par son métiers de photographe et ces expos. J’ai fini ma technique de Métiers d’art en Sculpture à la MMAQ en 2021 ; et travailles la pierre comme médium premier depuis. J’aime le travail de la pierre pour le dédiement qu’il requiert. J’aime travailler de mes mains et rentrer dans ma zone pour me laisser aller.Je fais beaucoup d’exploration, c’est pourquoi définir un style peu être dur, ma démarche s’oriente vers le travail de l’organicité dans la pierre. Travailler les contrastes du brut et travaillé est également une direction que je tends à prendre. Les fonds marins sont une grande source d’inspiration pour moi ; ainsi que l’univers de mystère d’H.P. Lovecraft.

Hélène Prévost

Je suis une musicienne et une artiste sonore qui pratique  « le sound art » J’ai été réalisatrice à la radio de Radio-Canada en musique.Je travaille la pierre depuis 9 ans.

Austin Emery

James Cook

james cook

Craig Potter

Craig Potter became a self-taught, researched and practiced stone carver for masonry restoration in Halifax, Nova Scotia where Craig began cutting, carving and repairing building elements using materials such as sandstone and granite. Repairing historical carvings piqued Craig’s interest and he started carving outside of work.
His first Canadian Stove Carving Festival was in 2015 and has only missed one since.
While technically capable, Craig wants to practice and work towards learning to emote and communicate ideas better… more “artistically”.
Enjoying the patience and understanding of his spouse and neighbours, Craig maintains an unreasonably disproportionate sized stone yard at home and took over the shed to pursue stone carving. Noise and dust be darned!


Haddas Grosbein

Haddas lives in Thornhill, Ontario.  She has been carving stone since 2011, when she attended a one-day soapstone seal-carving seminar.  She loved it so much that she went on to enroll in every soapstone workshop she could find, and eventually began creating her own pieces.  She started the Stone Carvers and Sculptors of Ontario facebook group, to connect local amateur and professional carvers.  She primarily carves soapstone, and encourages everyone to give stone carving a try.  She’s very excited to be a returning participant in the Canadian Stone Carving Festival this year.

Cindy Presant

Cindy Presant is a self-taught stone carver and painter living in Port Rowan, Ontario, a small historic fishing village on the north shore of Lake Erie. She enjoys carving Canada’s wildlife using traditional hand tools. Collectors across Canada and in the U.S. own her lifelike original carvings of owls, turtles, wolves, bears, and other wildlife.  Her studio is open by appointment.

Facebook: @artistcindypresant
Instagram: artistcindypresant

Alexandre Barnes

Alexandre Barnes took a professional Stone Carving course in 2008 – 2009 at the Centre de Formation Professionnel de lac Mégantic. Since then he has been working in the stone industry making stone mouldings and architectural elements. Alexandre has also been sculpting and carving as a hobby for the past 12 years. ” This is my 5th time taking part in the Canadian Stone Carving Festival. I really love to see the other sculptors work beside me and I try to pick up some of their tricks and apply them to my own work.”


Caroline Guay

Caroline Guay is a Conservation Technologist who has had the privilege of working on numerous buildings within the Parliamentary Precinct for over 30 years. She has been carving since 2017 when she started taking classes from Danny Barber. This is her fourth year participating in the Canadian Stone Carving Festival, and she will be carving a Lewis chessman berserker.


Ellie Bloxham

Ellie has been carving since 2011.  She fell in love with stone carving during her first stone carving course taken in the shadows of the impressive Lincoln Cathedral in the UK and has continued ever since.  During her residence in Cambridge, Ellie continued to learn to carve with sculptor Esther Melamed and also took courses with Eric Marland and Tom Perkins through the Lettering Arts Trust in the art of Letter Carving, a natural transition from her love of calligraphy.  The stone seems to give a greater credence to the words of phrases selected, perhaps honouring a person, evoking a memory or simply lightening a corner of a garden with a peaceful or humorous choice of phrase.  Ellie also likes to sculpt the human form – it is the possibility that stone can evoke an emotion and/or movement that intrigues her.  All of her work is hand carved.

Siteweb :

Justine Southam

Justine Southam is a blacksmith living in North Hatley Quebec. She has been carving stone since 2016 when she began an apprenticeship at Smith & Barber – Sculpture Atelier Inc. during her third year of the heritage conservation program at Willowbank. This is her third participation in the Canadian Stone Carving Festival.


James Cleveland

I have been very fortunate in my experiences as a Mason and take great pride in my craft because of them. I am a second generation Brick And Stone Mason. I started my career in the International Union of Allied Bricklayers and Craftworkers in 2012 and achieved red seal certification in 2018. At only nine years old I knew I wanted to become a Mason. I came to Ottawa to visit my Father and was given the opportunity to help out and watch him on a small job. That’s when I was hooked! I started carving a little bit when I was a young lad for fun. Then I began carving more seriously during my apprenticeship while working on Parliament Hill with the amazing sculptures and inspiration in front of me all of the time. After years of cutting and carving stone I’d have to say It is one of my favourite parts of the trade aside from building. I’m excited and privileged to be a part of the Canadian Stone Carving Festival and I hope you can take home at least a little bit of what I get out of it.

Robert Gregory

Participated in Stone Carving Festivals since 2016 after enjoying several prior Festivals as an observer.
Enjoy crafts of all kinds and the Canadian Stone Carving Festival is a wonderful opportunity to interact and have fun with like minded people.
My daughter, son-in-law and grandson have also become participants.


Jordan Clements

Jordan Clements carves stone in Ontario. His studio is in Port Perry. This is his second Canadian Stone Carving Festival. @clementscutstone

Austin Emery

Canadian born (from Ottawa), lived, trained and worked as an architectural stone carver/mason/sculptor in the UK for 30 years.
My work now is mostly focussed on creating public stone sculptures through the process of open and free community stone carving workshops.

Nicole Steele

I am a technologist who works in Architecture.
My interests are in Heritage Architecture and door Hardware.
I was inspired to pursue stone carving by working with stone masons during my day to day work.
I hope to inspire other people to explore this wonderful trade.

Sophia Rocco

Roxanne Maquet

Alexandre Maquet

Ophelie Souliage

Simon Vincent